September 8, 2011


Rodney King charged with DUI stemming from July arrest in Southern California – The Washington Post

August 25, 2011


Big shocker….. Rodney King…in trouble with the law??? What???? No way…..

That guy’s a complete jackass….


Suspect in fatal LA subway stabbing arrested – San Jose Mercury News

August 24, 2011


They Gott’em!!!!!

Thank You LASD!!!! Less than a week this poo butt was on the street. Job Well Done! !!!!!!

This is the typical work of the LASD that I am used to seeing….


Officials defend response in Red Line stabbing – latimes.com

August 23, 2011


Sounds to me like the LASD has nothing to defend….. This is the first fatal incident since 1993…. These Deputies were 10-97/on scene four minutes after the train stopped…. The Detectives that are handling this case are working on identifying the outstanding suspect from a surveillance tape…..

As a citizen of Los Angeles County, hearing about this sort of response to this type of an incident fills me with pride. Its an obvious display of dedication, committment, and professionalism.

The LASD is getting kind of a bad rap right now. They’re being accused of racial bias out in the Landcaster. Ive read a few of the articles written about whats going on. It reminds me of cases and complaints past.

This is the best, most ironic thing: I also read an article recently  about the Lancaster Burglary Team that is being commended for making a huge seizure of pot and arrests based on Deputies literally smelling the weed!

Ya know, Ive known a few Deputies and worked with a few Deputies in my time…. I feel safe at night because of them and their caliber!

Man kills himself in front of Calif officer – Sacramento News – Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

August 23, 2011


This sounds like a classic example of “suicide by cop.”

Insurance Commissioner Jones Announces Sentencing of Los Angeles Attorney for Insurance Fraud

August 21, 2011


This is great news! We as consumers need more convictions like this. The fiscal impact of insurance fraud is horrible. We’re all paying for it….

Now, I have to make this comment. That Attorney is not the only Lawyer on the block that is involved in anything like this. I know of one in Encino, CA that does the same thing.

Another problem that I see is the economics of criminal prosecution. You see, in Los Angeles County, unless you have a huge dollar amount involved, that woyld potentially be noteworthy in the media, you will mot get your case for insurqnce fraud filed with the D.A. for prosecution. It doesnt matter if its a staged accident ring, an owner give up theft scheme, durable mwdical goods, or a medical mill (to name a few). If the case does not involve a dollar amount that will A.) Bring the D.A. good press, or B.) Have a high enough dollar amount that would easily justify spending the money to take the case to trial, and then C.) Is a complete slam dunk of a cas with all corpus fulfilled and everything easily proven beyond a reasonable doubt…. It just aint gonna get dealt with here in L.A.

Thats pretty tragic! The way I see it, enforcement of the law is not about prestige and fame. Nor is it about how much it costs.  Neither is it about a higher probability that the prosecuter will obtain a conviction.

Its about doing the right thing and protecting the citizens of the State of California.

You dont seek fame for doing that job. You do whatever it takes at any and all costs. And you dont need it spoon fed to you. You work hard and do the absolute best you can at your job!

Ive met some good D.A.’s – dont get me wrong. But, it seems to me that there are those that are more concerned about the politics involved.

I have met a lot of great Investigators at Dept. Of Insurance CDI, and some true experts on the topic in the Insurance industry. My hat is off to them, and they deserve everything!

Here’s novel idea: Maybe the D.A.’s office should step out of the way and let the folks in the trenches do their jobs! Then the D.A. should do theirs-present the evidence, make the arguement, and get the conviction. Hhmmm?

Man arrested in 2002 rape of unconscious teen in Glendale – latimes.com

August 21, 2011


Copper thieves hit SoCal school – Sacramento News – Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

August 20, 2011


Frick’in Tweakers!!!! I hate tweakers….

And the thing about this is this: it is metal theft. What happena is the suspect steals the copper, and then sell the metal to a recycling center.

Thia is the same process, basically, as when catalytic converters are stolen from below cars.

The major problwm arises from a lack of state law. You see, in my humble opinion, if there was a state law in effect requiring recycling centers to obtain identification at the time of weighing the commodity, the bad guys would hqve to jump through a major hoop.

It wouldnt solve the problem completely, but it sure wpuld give the cops a little more juice to catch the bad guys.

Lawsuit accuses Fullerton police of civil rights violations – CNN.com

August 20, 2011


1 stabbed to death at Hollywood subway station – San Jose Mercury News

August 20, 2011
